Frederic BOUVIER said:

> Imagine you are drawing a tree with a quad with a texture of the tree.
> The pixel outside the shape of the tree are transparent. But because 
> you are also writing to the depth buffer, because you don't want the 
> object behind clear your tree, the transparent area is also written 
> and objects behind this transparent area are discarded althougt they 
> should appear.
> When you enable alpha test, transparent pixels are not drawn in the 
> depth buffer, so objects in the background are not obscured by 
> transparency, and you don't have to worry about drawing order, 
> although generally result are better if the order is back to front.

Ah ok.  I guessed wrong on that one :-)
> The effect can be seen in the suspension chains or the structures of 
> the bridges. Without alpha test, you won't be able to see ground 
> light through structures, and on bridge would disappear behind 
> another.
> It is also applied to cloud layers, with an artefact though : when 
> there are few clouds in a valley and you are below, you can see 
> the sky through mountains. I experienced that flying in the 
> Mont Blanc area recently.

Could we just dynamically reorder the rendering of the layers based on
location of the viewer rather than using the alpha-test?  This problem
actually shows up at KSFO most days with metar turned on.



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