I've added two shadows for the bo105 (after Jim beat me to it :-),
but I can't animate them correctly. The situation is so strange that
it must be a bug in fgfs.

I've got objects "shadow_fuselage" and "shadow_rotor". Both are very
flat, textured boxes. The strategy is:

A. rotate the rotor shadow
B. scale both shadows according to pitch/roll
C. translate both shadows down to -AGL height

1. Problem: it *has* to be a box. SimGear refuses to translate a
   mere (2D) plane!

2. SimGear refuses to rotate the rotor shadow alone (A). The object
   remains fixed like the fuselage shadow. If I add the fuselage
   shadow, both are rotated! The rotor shadow is also rotated if I
   remove the fuselage shadow from steps B and C. 

3. Where the rotor shadow overlays the fuselage shadow, the resulting
   color is darker than either shadow. The shadows add. I mentioned
   that problem a while ago, and as a solution it was suggested to
   swap the two objects in the *.ac file. This, however, doesn't work.

   I don't understand what animation type "alpha-test" really does.
   The documentation is quite vague and lacks an explanation that can
   be understood by idiots like me. ("The effect is to avoid depth
   buffer writing of pixel that are not seen because they are transparent."
   ?? why would I want to do that in some cases, but not in others.
   How does the problem look like, and how does it look when it's fixed.
   What does the value do? The textures do already have an alpha

I'd like the bo105 shadow to go into 0.9.4 (and Erik does, too :-).


Here is the code that IMHO should work, but doesn't:





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