Innis Cunningham wrote:
Hi Guys
The other day I stumbled on the keyboard map for
FG, can't find it at present,and I noticed quite a few
keys that have not been alocated yet.
I was wondering if a block of say ten keys could be
put aside and labeled aircraft specific for things like
tail hooks, A/C doors, refueling booms and other
things I can't think of now.
Because as models become more complex modelers
will want to add more features to there models.


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There was a previous thread on this topic, but it died out. I suggested that a nice convention would be to use the CTL modifier for all keystrokes that are defined by aircraft. This way, when a user adds to or modifies their keyboard.xml file locally they won't have to worry about conflicts with aircraft that define their own keystrokes, and vise-versa for the aircraft designers. A nice way to reinforce this would be to put a comment at the top of the CVS keyboard.xml explaining it so that anyone who modifies the file, in CVS or locally would understand it. We could also put a small routine in whatever loads aircraft files that spits out a polite warning when someone defines a non CTL key explaining that at some point it may cause a conflict.

I think that there is already stuff out there that does not conform to this, but if enough people here agree, I would be happy to chase down all those potential conflicts and mitigate them.


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