Erik Hofman wrote:

> Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
> > I have found another thing that is quite interesting.  May be this have
> > something to do with the fact that the opacity of my objects is 98%, but
> > FlightGear seem to have trouble displaying multiple partially
> > objects that are overlapping one another.
> Yes, but that's really an OpenGL problem rather than a FlightGear problem.
> > For example, if I have a plane with a transparent circle in the middile,
> > behind it is another plane with a transparent circle in the middle, you
> > be able to see the second plane at all through the transparent portion
in the
> > first plane.
> (Semi) transparent objects should be sorted by distance from back to
> front. In some cases it is possible to determine the order beforehand In
> case of a HUD for example, it is best to define the canopy before the
> HUD because in the pilot seat every thing looks like it should be (yes
> knoe the F-16 has this problem right now) and from the outside few one
> barely would notice the difference.
> I believe Frederic has written an animation that does this automatically
>   which is called alpha-test.

alpha-test really works well for fully transparent object because it avoid
blending by discarding fragments that have alpha below a clamp value.
I also described a method for sorting objects in the animation file :



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