This message just came to one of the aviation newsgroups from Paul Tomblin, who maintains several free GPS/flight-planning databases. It looks like we'll be losing the DAFIF soon, which is our source for most airports outside the U.S., as well as for ATC frequencies, airways, arrival procedures, etc. This is extremely bad news -- of course, we can keep using the final edition of the DAFIF (whenever that is) for a while, but it will get further and further out of date.

All the best,


All the best,


Majority rule only works if you're also considering individual rights.
Because you can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to
have for supper. --Larry Flynt
--- Begin Message ---
In a previous article, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul Tomblin) said:
>I've been hearing nasty rumours that the DAFIF file will no longer be
>available on the net for free download, and the CD won't be available to
>non-government users.

Here is an email I got from Jerry Leicht, the DAFIF Program Manager:

:From: "Leicht, John J. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:To: "'Paul Tomblin'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
:Subject: RE: DAFIF data

:       Thank you for sending in your question about DAFIF and whether it'll
:be available any longer. Here's what I know. There is an initiative to
:remove DAFIF from the www and from public sale. The issue is not set in
:stone, but is being entered into the federal register for comments and
:complaints. There is still some talk about having a US only DAFIF, but for
:now that's just talk.
:       This initiative began because the Australian AIP producers are suing
:Jeppesen for copyright infringement. I don't know any of the details
:involved, but in order to prevent a similar situation, we are researching
:contingencies like this. 
:Jerry Leicht
:DAFIF Program Manager
:National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
:Comm: 314-263-4636
:DSN: 693-4636
:Pager and Voicemail: 877-523-0130

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D: is just a data disk.  That's why it's called "D", for "DATA".
C: is the Windows OS disk, so it's called "C", for "CRAP".
              -- David P. Murphy

--- End Message ---
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