I've noticed a bug in the cloud rendering at night which appears to occur when 
climbing / descending through layers. (Current CVS) 

A cloud layer above or below suddenly appears bright-white which can be rather 
disconcerting; I've only managed to get one screenshot of it and repeating 
the bug deliberately is tricky.

Screenshot: http://www.cyfinity.com/temp/cloud-bug.jpg
(cut and paste the url if it doesn't work 1st time)

Also, when ascending thru cloud and viewing from the tower, the cloud closes 
in around the tower too. (Think this might have been an outstanding bug tho).

On Wednesday 15 Dec 2004 16:18, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> I would like to consider doing our next FlightGear release before the
> end of the year.  Do we think that is doable?  As I can find some spare
> time here and there, I will start to do some of the pre-release work.  I
> can move forward on that without setting a specific release date, but
> right now I would tentatively be targeting somewhere between Christmas
> and New Years.
> Are there any major outstanding bugs or issues we need to resolve before
> the next release?  I realize there are perpetual things (such as our gui
> interface is crude) that we won't be able to address immediately, but if
> there are little bugs or glitches that have crept in, let's try and get
> those fixed as quickly as possible.
> Thanks,
> Curt.

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