I passed my instrument rating oral and practical (check ride) this afternoon. Five hours including the oral and ride. Boy was I glad I had done many approaches with the turbulence turned up as all the approaches were in moderate turbulence today with 20 gust to 35 kts and wind shear. The examiner said I did an outstanding job given the conditions. I flelt like I was always flying back to where I wanted to be with the many significant up and down drafts. the Piper Comanche (PA24-250) performed well. Because most of the time I had to stay below manuvering speed, and because of the wind shear and strong head winds on the approaches, all the power setting I normally use at different points in the approaches were different. My commercial rating is now worth something again.

Thanks to the entire FlightGear team for a great simulator with real world applicability!
Dave Perry

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