Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
> Anway, I like the idea of having a dedicated online message
> board for FlightGear.  The primary reason why I like online
> message board is that all the posts in a topic are grouped
> under one thread and are sorted by dates, which is more
> organized in my opinion.

This is another situation where a "pro forum" post has more to do
with bad email client software than it does with email as a
whole.  All of the above (and much more) are possible with
Mozilla Thunderbird.  You can sort by thread, you can sort by
subject/date, you can sort by date, or sender, or search.  You
can automatically filter into a subfolder (actually I do that
part with procmail, but Thunderbird has its own filters).

And being client software, it's vastly faster and more responsive
than even the best websites (although as I mentioned earlier,
gmail seems to be really close).  It will even store all your
mail on your local machine, for offline reading.


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