Hello Josh,

Josh Babcock wrote:

> [...] If you can think of any other big visible structures that you
> would like to see (sorry, I'm not tackling the bridges yet, there's
> issues with the VMAP data I don't want to deal with) let me know. No
> promises though. I don't know what your schedule is, but it's probably
> moving a lot faster than mine will be.

Regarding these scenery objects I'd say we're not tied to any sort of
schedule at all. O.k., it actually does make sense to have a correct
representation of what belongs into the base package but that's all.
Aside from that I welcome _every_ contribution, may it be a complete
set of buildings that somehow belong together or just a single building
somewhere on our world.
Yes, it _is_ nice to have an ensemble that represents the entourage of
an airport or a city centre, but a single tower somewhere "in the
boonies" that VFR pilots typically use for navigation is a valuable
addition as well.

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