Jon Stockill wrote:

Currently the smallest area it's broken down to is one of the 10x10 degree scenery tiles. The biggest of these files is only 500k (the whole planet fits in a 4MB tarball), so I didn't see a need to break it down any further. If you're interested in just a specific area then drop me an email and I'll see about exporting just the area you're interested in (if you're just interested in seeing what objects are in a particular area you may find that entering partial lat/lon info into a search on:


I see a distribution issue which I'd like to discuss.

The object database lives in it's own separate tree. Right now to use your object database a person needs to add a set of models to their base package. Then they need to install the object tree.

However, from my perspective, if I want to roll up a 10x10 chunk of terrain + objects I have a big problem. I need to either roll these two trees together in one big tree (which makes it hard to change or upgrade the objects.) Or I need distribute 2 tgz files (and the end user needs to download and correctly install 2 tgz files) for each 10x10 chunk.

Would it make sense to make your object database (for the entire world) part of the official base package and put it all in cvs?

If we want to leave these objects as user-add-on-after-the-fact entities, then it's ok how we are doing it now, but they add a *lot* to the flightgear experience so I would really like to make them part of the default some how without imposing an overwhelming burden on the end user to do extra complex downloads and installs by hand.

I'm not sure I'm explaining the issues very well, but hopefully someone understands what I mean and can offer suggestions.


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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