Am Freitag, den 02.06.2006, 13:12 +1200 schrieb dene maxwell:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to using various aicraft in an AI scenario... The J3 cub looks 
> good model-wise with a small animation problem (more on that below), but the 
> Spitfire looks terrible!!! I using 
> Aircraft/Spitfire/Models/spitfire_model.xml but part of the fuselage and 
> inboard wings are missing.
> when using aircraft models in AI scenarios...what is the best file to use ( 
> some like Aircraft/Spitfire/spitfireIIa.xml actually stop FG from loading 
> (098a/win Me)
> The other problem is the propellers aren't turning (in either the J3 cub or 
> spitfire) and I can't find the property (in the internal browser/property 
> tree) that would turn the engines on and presumably start the prop turning.
The AI Models use the same properties your aircraft uses. If your gear
is out, the gear of the AI Aircraft is out too, and retracts if you
retract it. 

I helped myself by creating an extra "AI-Model"-xml file. Just a copy of
the original models xml file, but I commented out the 3d cockpit and
interiour models and set the properties for gear and prop to values that
are always matched (e.g. propdisk visible at rpm below 10000).

That's just a quick fix but I've not yet discovered how to make it



> Regards
> Dene
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