Hi Martin,

The authentication protocol has been overhauled, and if you were offered 
an NDA more than <mumble> months ago, the NDA is overhauled too.  But 
there is still an NDA and there is still restrictions on the licensing 
of the lib.  (It's not just the NDA that would be a restriction on 
clients - the lib itself has a licensing agreement too.)

So the specifics you saw may have changed completely, but not enough to 
make a difference.  That depends on what you consider acceptable.


Martin Spott wrote:
> Justin Smithies wrote:
>>Just got a reply from Vatsim ive pasted it it below.
>>>it's certainly viable to start such a client. However, in order to 
>>>connect to the VATSIM network, it needs to be using libraries whose 
>>>source code is proprietary to VATSIM (i.e. its source code is under Non 
>>>Disclosure Agreement).
> The same story all the years. I did some investigations in this
> direction as well and someone suggested to me to contact Lefteris if I
> want to have at least a slight chance to get a reply that differs from
> this NDA-cretinism. The reply you got is definitely discouraging.
> The story _I_ was told reads like this:
> They have severe difficulties with their user authentication because
> the protocol they use is considered to be "braindead" (TM). So they try
> to hide the drawbacks of their authentication protocol by forcing
> people to sign an NDA - which therefore gives them a handle to control
> who'll implement the protocol.
> On the other hand I was told that certain people didn't care about
> licensing and hacked the VATSIM authentication protocol - and these
> people actually _did_ initiate some trouble as well. The whole thing
> obviously is no surprise because trying to use an NDA in order to guard
> a broken protocol is as "braindead" as the protocol itself. So some
> people at VATSIM, as I was told, were planning to overhaul the
> authentication protocol by creating one that works - and this
> [c,sh]ould be the point where FlightGear comes into play.
> Too little time, too many tasks ....  Could anyone confirm the story ?
>       Martin.

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