
as I wrote I am writing code for this feature since a year. The first
implementation was bad (only in Perl). Now I am using C - that's quite
more stable.

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 05:57:34PM -0600, Hans Fugal wrote:
> First, if you're not intimate with VOIP let me tell you (without
> discouraging you, I hope) that it won't be as easy as you might think.
> There's too much going on; it's like herding cats. You have to deal
> with sound card input, NAT and firewalls, VOIP protocols, and somehow
> orchestrating it all. Then you have to have someone manage something
> like Asterisk on a server to provide the conference call capabililty.
> Certainly doable, but not a weekend project as I'm sure the others
> working on it are well aware.

In fact thats a real problem. But the solution for some of the problems
is libiaxclient (a portable softphone with the VoIP-Protocol IAX). I
don't think that this will solve all problems. I am working with VoIP a
long time (and with different protocols and manufacturers). But IAX
has an ALSA/JACK/PortAudio Interface - so the problems for the sound are
"only" the configuration of ALSA. Also IAX works fine over NAT due to
use only _one_ port for signalisation and media streaming.

> I'm not sure what the best approach would be, but I am inclined to
> think it would be somehow talking to an existing VOIP client via IPC
> and driving it to join/create the appropriate conference channels. I'm
> not aware of any client that can be driven in this way, and I'm almost
> sure that there's nothing cross-platform to fit the bill. You could
> rip the SIP code out of something like Twinkle, but I'd advise against
> that for one simple reason: getting VOIP working (especially SIP) is
> hard enough when you've got a full-featured softphone or ATA or IP
> phone. Stick things behind a façade like a FlightGear radio and it
> will be all the more difficult to troubleshoot and 60%-70% will simply
> be unable to get it working. I know that sounds like exaggerated
> pessimism, but in my experience there's always *something* that goes
> wrong in configuring VOIP.

I don't think that all implemenations of FGCOM will work out of the box.
The real problem is that I cannot distribute a static binary - it won't
work at this time (and I don't know why) - everyone has to compile the
sources. But my hope is that it will work for 90% of the users who know
gcc and how to install libraries.

> My only intent here is to throw out the thoughts that I have about
> what might trip someone up in doing this, so they can be considered
> and addressed from the beginning. I don't want to discourage anyone
> from this, which would be a very cool feature, nor from VOIP in
> general.

I think that I have solved some of the problems you mentioned - not all.
But in my opinion (and my hope) the solution for VoIP conferences is closer
than your thoughts ;-)

Regards, Holger (sorry for my bad english...)

#####  #### ##  ##   Holger Wirtz         Phone : (+49 30) 884299-40
##  ## ##   ### ##   DFN-Verein           Fax   : (+49 30) 884299-70
##  ## #### ######   Stresemannstr. 78    E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
##  ## ##   ## ###   10963 Berlin
#####  ##   ##  ##   GERMANY              WWW   : http://www.dfn.de
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