Frederic Bouvier wrote:
> Glad to see the effect is used. I noticed the bump is reverted on one axis.
> In a previous thread, I wrote :
>> I use the GIMP normal map plug-in to create my normal maps. Here are two
>> example. A bump :
>> A hole :
>> They are created from the same "height field" image. Reds should point to
>> the bottom right and greens should points to the top left.
>> More precisely:
>>  #FF7F7F points to the right
>>  #7FFF7F points to the top
>>  #007F7F points to the left
>>  #7F007F points to the bottom
>> These are the only two realistic combinations. Remember that for OpenGL
>> the origin of the image is the bottom left when the origin of an image
>> is the top left, so that's why an axis should be reverted.
> Looking closely at the wing map :
> It appears that reds are pointing to the top right and greens to the bottom 
> left. You may need to check the 'Invert Y' box in order to get them right.

Thanks for the help. I've updated the normal maps, and included this
information in the wiki article.


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