Simon Hollier wrote:
> Here's a bunch of random photos from a 172S:
> There's some close ups of some rivets in some of them.
> Hope that helps,
> Simon

Very useful. Thanks also for the cockpit details. While it's not a "p"
model, I'm sure I can use
some of the photos to improve our model.

Bertrand Coconnier wrote:
> Anyway my contribution was not much worth it... Next time I will check
> closer ^_^

Not at all - it raised some interesting points and encourage other comments.

David Megginson wrote:
> All the Cessna 172's I've seen have had protruding rivets, but the
> heads don't stick out much, and the paint smooths out the edges to the
> point that they're just gentle bumps -- a 172's wing doesn't look like
> a steam boiler.

As pointed out by Martin and yourself, I definitely need to reduce the
"height" of the
normal map. That is pretty straightforward, though I may not get to it
until next week.


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