2010/4/13 Stuart Buchanan <stuar...@gmail.com>:
> Bertrand wrote:
>> This is some nice artistic/graphical work indeed, however, I am afraid
>> this is not very realistic. If you want Cessna aerodynamicists to die
>> from an heart attack, just show them this picture ^_^
> :)
> I was basing the work on some photos I found on the Cessna website.
> This one in particular seemed to show raised rivets on the wing:
> http://www.cessna.com/MungoBlobs/832/502/sin_haw_flt18_hires.jpg
> Perhaps what I'm seeing there isn't actually protruding rivets at all.
> Is there any height change there at all, or are the surfaces completely 
> smooth?
> I could obviously tone down the effect significantly to make them
> protrude less if
> that is more realistic.
> BTW - we're modeling a P model, if that makes any difference.
> -Stuart

Well spotted Stuart. They look very much like protruding rivets.

May be what I reported above is limited to some specific class of
aircrafts ? A Cessna C172 is a relatively cheap aircraft flying at low
speeds, may be this is why Cessna are using protruding rivets (which
are cheaper than countersunk rivets). May be it only makes a
difference at higher speeds ? It seems I have extrapolated my
experience to an area where it does not apply ^_^ As you may have
guessed I am not an aerodynamicist myself, moreover my own experience
is limited to airliners where, I think, the criteria are more
stringent than for small aircrafts... Or may be in Cessna the design
office have won the battle against aerodynamics ? ^_^

Anyway my contribution was not much worth it... Next time I will check
closer ^_^



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