Hi all, I'm experimenting with various model file formats and the
effects system and have some questions/comments.

First I found that if you have a file 'model.ac', but also have a file
'model.osg', flightgear always loads the .osg version despite me
explicitly requesting the '.ac' in the models xml file. Personally I
don't see any point in automatically choosing one text based format
over another, especially when I explicitly told the system I want the
'.ac' via the model xml.  So yeah is this considered some sort of
feature..or just a bug...because it only served to frustrate me and
waste my time until I realized what it was doing.

Second up is does the effect system not work with anything other than
'.ac' file format? With '.ac' my effect is loaded, using any other
format I tried (.osg, .ive , .osgb, .osgt) the effect seems to be
ignored. Is the effect system currently crippled to using only the
ac3d format, or what's going on here?


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