On Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Geoff McLane <ubu...@geoffair.info> wrote:
> It would certainly be nice to have a 2nd, or more,
> servers, like say fgcom.fgx.ch:16661, or on any other
> port, that can be used with the fgcom client, or in
> the fgcomgui...
> Then we would not be dependent on just one IP ;=))
> Although I must say I have never yet found the above
> IP down...
> And then there would be the question of how such
> multiple fgcom (asterisk) servers interact, such that
> even if I configure using say 'ch' I can still 'speak'
> to pilots using the 'uk' server... etc... another can
> of worms ;=))

At times, we had 2 servers but only one active with manual switching
when necessary. That means there is no load balancing among multiple

In case anybody wants to volunteer maintaining a backup server, I am
sure we can collect the knowledge required to set it up and fill in
the holes in the wiki.

I'd like to thank all the people who keep fgcom alive behind the
scenes, in particular Charles, Jon, Thomas, Willie and of course
Holger for creating it.


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