happy new year everyone.. ;-)))

On Fri, Dec 30, 2011 at 4:45 AM, Scott <scott.hamil...@popplanet.biz> wrote:

> On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 02:50 +0000, Pedro Morgan wrote:
> > Ok.. Then I;m in.. I'd like the  idea to maintain "openRadar" in Java
> > to at least build a skill set.. and get to know the code and mainly
> > comment it..andhopefu;;y find some cool future team..
>   I'm a JEE developer, not a Swing developer, so if there is stuff that
> isn't related to the UI components, I'm happy to help.
Fantastic.. Can u help with setting up a tomcat server with code onto a
postgres backend.. and its spits out either jaon or xml.. and also can
integrate with telnet sessions online  check mpserver dns entries online
and also latest chat from atc.. and bandwidth distribution... ;-))))

>  If you are looking for a place to host this in gitorious (I'm not sure
> if it should be part of the FG repository???), I'm happy to offer and
> maintain it as a project under my fg-misc repository;
> https://gitorious.org/fg-misc

Good idea... imho.. but misc is also staging etc... more below..  but I
think we need "fg-java" project.. somehow..

> My hidden motivation is to android and devices for "purpose" eg a TCAS
> Android, or a PFD .. live atc chat on mobiles and voip......and its in
> jvm.. so maybe we can also use some "formulae" in java and creation of
> simgear /python|java|\c|cpp|\js libs to ensure same delegation of
> issues..

   I'm not sure what you are saying here, but android apps are written
> in Java and convert to Dalvik bytecode by the build process in your
> favourite IDE.
Yes its java..as a language and understand the bytecode.. rund on my
arduino.. intended for fridges..

but I am stupid. and do nto really 100% and indeed do not want to
understand what goes on sometimes... Looking at my new "Android Hello
World" is effectively Java as the "lang" and also looking at openradar is
on my dual screen..

But effectively these are both being coded and tested and work here with my
"eclipse" on a machine wich happens to be Ubuntu.. == even though they are
not on target machines..

>  You build PhoneGap apps for Android with HTML, JavaScript and a little
> bit of Java and this is compiled to Java bytecode that is then converted
> to Dalvik bytecode by the build process in your favourite IDE.
Are I sure... my inderstanding of phonegap is that its a "webkit browser"
and a "bridge" for "voice" to "snapshot" to "back button".. "trapped" and
an internal socket... howver the way I am using it is to create html5 apps
which use sencha.. a html5 toolkit..

regardlss.. it is javascript that is precompiled to bytecode.. much like
python, and php.. and nasal.. sneezes..

I am very happy that javascript is like nasal or vice versa.. and is like

>   However if you are going to the trouble to build a HTML version, why
> not just build a web app that can be deployed to any platform, you need
> to be online to be using the multi-player network anyway, and a web
> browser is more ubiquitous than any mobile device platform.
Fantastic and you hit the nail on the head.. and am in total agreement,
nodding my head both ways...

Lets starts with Where can I get a
* List of mpservers online now ? in html
* Some code to detect which Mpservers online now in DNS and RL check.. a
* a json feed instead of html, even xml or kml...

Its all moving online.. so I guess as a developer I am looking towards
somehow making that code available.. in various languages and browsers..
But its "Online"..

>  S.
> <remainder snipped>
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