On Sun, 2011-12-25 at 02:05 +0100, HB-GRAL wrote:
> Am 25.12.11 01:59, schrieb Hal V. Engel:
> >
> > You can do this today with fgcom.  Just setup a fgcom server on your local
> > upstairs machine and you are good to go.  You don't even need FG running to
> > use fgcom to communicate with other users on your network.
> Hi Hal
> Can you point me to docs how to setup a fgcom server ? I didn’t find it 
> at all, and it looks like FlightGear has only one FGCom server, one 
> radio station at all.
> Cheers, Yves

Hi Yves,

Assume you have read this -

While it says a lot about installing Libpri, DAHDI, 
and Asterisk it does seem a little light on exactly 
how to set up an IP like - fgcom.flightgear.org.uk:16661 -
when running an asterisk server...

It mentions using fgcom.inc when configuring the 
asterisk server, but I can not seem to find the contents 
of this fgcom.inc file ;=(( although the content of 
several other 'configuration' files are given...

And the fgcom svn source has some configuration building 
perl scripts in the 'server' folder, but none of these 
seem to create a fgcom.inc file... The wiki ends with 
the words - Generation details to follow ...

I guess you have to understand LOTS more about running 
an asterisk server, As their about page says - "Asterisk 
is like an erector set or a box of Legos for people who 
want to create communications applications."...

It would certainly be nice to have a 2nd, or more, 
servers, like say fgcom.fgx.ch:16661, or on any other 
port, that can be used with the fgcom client, or in 
the fgcomgui...

Then we would not be dependent on just one IP ;=))
Although I must say I have never yet found the above 
IP down... 

And then there would be the question of how such 
multiple fgcom (asterisk) servers interact, such that 
even if I configure using say 'ch' I can still 'speak' 
to pilots using the 'uk' server... etc... another can 
of worms ;=))


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