
I have just run a very quick check on a few aircraft. My apologies, but I 
should have used the word opaque and not translucent.

F22 (jsbsim) has an opaque HUD,  Mirage F1 has an opaque cockpit. They are 
both transparent when Rembrandt is disabled.

The Saab Draken seems to have no cockpit. This is with or without Rembrandt 

Concorde crashes Flightgear at start-up. Again this is not affected by 

As a general comment I find that the flying characteristics of most of the 
aircraft that I flipped through seem very unrealistic. They seem to be 
optimised for ease of use by non-pilots. This makes Flightgear appear to be 
a toy, or game, when it is capable of being an accurate flight simulator. 
IMHO this is a great pity.

There are exceptions - e.g. the default Cessna 172, so it can be done. How 
can we encourage developers to pay as much attention to aerodynamics as they 
do to eye candy?


-----Original Message----- 
From: James Turner
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2012 5:48 PM
To: FlightGear developers discussions
Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Engine sound and HSI problems with Lightning

On 1 Oct 2012, at 17:07, Alan Teeder wrote:

> Off topic, whilst looking for further examples I found many aircraft that 
> do
> not work. Concorde just crashes Flightgear, and several aircraft have
> translucent HUD and/or cockpits. This is with Rembrandt enabled.

Is the transparency issues Rembrandt specific?


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