On 1 Oct 2012, at 14:02, AJ MacLeod wrote:

> I suspect this (startup sound sequence) might have been broken since the 
> major changes to the FG sound system were made - or is it more recent?  IMO 
> it's a huge shame that stereo sounds are not supported any more, as the aural 
> experience now just isn't as immersive (not to negate the real improvements 
> that _were_ made of course).  I'm not sure I understand why stereo can't be 
> supported - couldn't the relative volumes / pitches of the two channels of 
> the sound clip be adjusted fairly easily to provide positional cues?

The correct solution is to have multiple mono sources (which all sound are, in 
reality) and appropriate source locations. That will accurately give the 
positional cues, wherever the listener is located - inside or out, looking at 
the acft from behind or the front. I'm not sure which sounds you are referring 
to specifically, but assuming they relate to engine startup, then one would 
expect each engine to be a separate positioned source, and generate its own 
version of the start-up sounds.

(On the lightning where they're located centrally above each other there's not 
going to much variation of course, compared to an aircraft with the engines on 
each wing....)

This is exactly what OpenAL and the sound-manager are designed to accurately 
model, btw.


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