On Fri, 15 Feb 2013, Renk Thorsten wrote:

> Okay, after sleeping over this and going over all the feedback on this 
> list:


> But having a dropdown menu for season selection to drive a continuous 
> season model by pixel postprocessing just makes no sense, it's a waste 
> of perfectly good GPU performance. If you want pre-defined seasons, the 
> way to do it is using seasonal textures.
> So I will remove the option from GIT again and clear out  the 
> *-autumn.png textures in the next days and develop this further for my 
> own private enjoyment (with the understanding that I'll make it 
> available on request to anyone interested), which should give anyone 
> else the chance to implement a drop-down seasons model for 3.0 without 
> generating confusing clashes. No hard feelings from my side, I don't 
> come with the expectation that everyone shares my enthusiasm for 
> painting the terrain. Admittedly it's not at the core of what makes a 
> Flightsim.


I, for one, would regret that choice. I see it as a promising and 
interesting rendering mechanism - a building block that asks for the 
development of heuristics to set the inputs to plausible values (for a 
region and season and ...). The fact that we do not have those yet does 
not make the mechanism useless.

The user interface issue can be handled by hiding the controls from those 
who do not want the complexity. (Hidden by default, obviously.)


Anders Gidenstam
WWW: http://gitorious.org/anders-hangar

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