Referring to the version number discussion, I've been given to understand here

that there have been already "core developers referring to the next release as 
2.12" a while ago who would now be "obviously pretty annoyed about it [i.e. me 
arguing for 3.0]".

It hasn't been my intention to annoy anyone by opening an already closed 
discussion, neither do I have a particularly strong opinion on the point, just 
an opinion. 

I do not know if the statements quoted above are correct, if there is really a 
generally accepted set of goals for 3.0 or not, or whether people feel annoyed 
or not. I took TorstenD's post

> As of today, the set of new features should be complete. The usual
> question at this point is: What version number will we give to the new
> release?
> Are we ready for a 3.0 or is it 2.12?

for a genuine question indicating that the issue would be open, in response to 
which I summarized by opinion and stated my case. Since I am not aware of any 
other occasions where project milestones are publicly discussed, I attach a 
fairly high importance to these discussions hoping that a picture emerges of 
what is going on. I am well aware that such discussions are not always 
pleasant, but in my opinion having unpleasant discussions is still better for 
project coherence than developing in fractured groups which talk only among the 
group but do not participate in public discussions.

In case this wasn't meant as a genuine question and I missed a hint from 
somewhere, I would like to apologize for needlessly opening an issue which is 
apparently already settled. I would also like to clearly state that I regard 
version numbers as an essentially minor issue (with some PR value attached to 
it). In comparison to 2.0, I see several novel systems leave the experimental 
stage and reach maturity, which in combination now lead to a quite different 
user experience, and that's what drives my opinion. If there are already other 
criteria defined and generally agreed upon, I apologize for missing the point.

* Thorsten 
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