On Tuesday 03 September 2013 11:51:34 Saikrishna Arcot wrote:

> *: Technically, a torrent download of the bundle would allow you pause
> and resume, so if there are cut-outs, you won't have to restart. That
> being said, downloading 5 GB on a phone line will take a long time (a
> week?).

Actually you don't need a torrent for pause/resume. Just a tar bundle of the 
repo on an http or ftp server and wget -c like already suggested.

> In the long term, according to James, the repo will be 
> reorganized such that the sizes are smaller.

I hope with the reorganization we don't lose the simpleness of doing a git 
pull to get the latest and greatest of all aircraft. Having to look for 
scattered repos would be a severe drawback.


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