On 07/21/11 04:27, Stuart Shepherd wrote:
> Thanks for all your replies. I'm as sure as I can be that I have the fonts 
> installed, and that nanoX and nxlib are pointed to the right place to find 
> them. I have complied without xft and with, made no difference. The thing 
> that is confusing me most is that the symbols didn't work if I tried to 
> display @cirlce that wouldn't work either, that can't be a font issue surely? 
> Would that be a problem with nanoX being non standard?
> Also if I wrote nanoX programs they would display text no problem. Next week 
> I will try using kdrive instead of nanoX and see if that works.

        If you still have trouble, I'd suggest drilling down
        into the fltk code, and try finding the font calls to the OS.

        Make sure the font calls are doing error checking, and if not,
        add checks for failures and print diagnostics; this might lead
        you to where the problem is occurring.

        There are probably several files to check; fl_font_x.cxx
        (for the regular X font stuff), fl_font_xft.cxx (for the antialiased
        xft stuff), perhaps Fl_x.cxx, and not sure what all else.
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