ohh, ini sih maksudnya spectral whitening ngkali....

spectral whitening tentu saja bisa menghilangkan "geologic information"-nya.
makanya dikatakan:
".... it is prudent to balance the wavelet
amplitude without degrading the geologic information."
jadi kalau balancing, yah jangan sampai degrading the geologic information-nya.

kenapa perlu whitening?
ini kaitannya dgn wavelet overprint.
kurang lebih maksudnya, efek wavelet sidelobe.
semakin flat spektrum-nya, sidelobe waveletnya makin kecil dan mendekati spike.
jadi karena efek sidelobe waveletnya makin kecil maka frequency slice
hanya akan berisi
informasi thin bed interference dan noise.

mudah2an membantu.


On 3/14/07, attar kusuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
makasih atas tanggapannya

yang saya maksud sebenarnya spectral balancing dalam
dalam papernya partyka dijelaskan:
The tuning cube has three components:
thin-bed interference, wavelet overprint,
and noise (Figure 7). Since the
geologic response is the most interesting
component for the interpreter,
it is prudent to balance the wavelet
amplitude without degrading the geologic
information. This reduces the
tuning cube to thin-bed interference
and noise.
Common spectral balancing techniques
rely on sparse invariant stationary
statistics. If we assume that the
geologic tuning varies considerably
along any flattened horizon, then we
balance the wavelet spectrum by
equalizing each frequency slice according
to its average amplitude (Figure 8).
After whitening to minimize the
wavelet effect, the tuning cube retains
two main components: thin-bed interference
and noise.
In frequency-slice form, thin-bed
interference appears as coherent
amplitude variations. Random noise
speckles the interference pattern in a
similar fashion to poor quality television
reception. At dominant frequencies,
the relatively high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
results in clear pictures of
thin-bed tuning. Movement away
from dominant frequency causes the
SNR to degrade. At frequencies
beyond usable bandwidth, the poor
SNR results in a noise map.

apakah mungkin spectral balancing tidak akan
menghilangkan "informasi geologic-nya"?

apa sih sebenarnya "wavelet overprint"?

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