>One thing to be careful of is, who is doing the talking about 
>compiling Java classes as COM components? Whenever I have run 
>across references to doing this, it's been about using MS Visual 
>J++ to compile the Java.

Of course, the talking has mostly been done by Microsoft. They want to be
all things to all people. I hate them but the bastards put food on my table.

There are a couple of alternatives available to people stuck in COM land
though. You can run a utility that registers a Java class such that it can
be called in the same way that we would call a COM object. This evidently
involves smoke and mirrors behind the scenes, no doubt needing to start the
JVM afresh each time, and probably yeilds no real gains over the command
line approach. The other is to compile the Java class as a COM object using
Visual J++. Either way, you have to use the Microsoft JVM. 

My confidence level of being able to transition FOP to COM myself is very
low. It would be really nice if someone would take this on :) Or maybe I'm
just being lazy.....

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