Hi Keiron

Are you referring to the work still being done on the maintenance branch
as a whole? I see that we're facing reality here. You know I'm a strong
supporter of the redesign even if I can't spend a lot of effort on it
ATM. But even I am confronted again with the wishes of my employer to
eliminate multi-threading issues in the maintenance branch and bringing
the PostScript renderer to production quality. I've told them a number
of times that this will be a lost effort. But the fact that we currently
can't bring together enough manpower to make a 1.0 developer release a
reality soon gets in the way again.

I think the only thing we can do is live with the facts but make everyone
see how working on the maintenance branch is a dead end. 

Anyway, things are in the works so I get more time (maybe even paid) to
work on FOP redesign. But that won't go without my doing a few things in
the maintenance branch, if I'm not overruled by you guys. I'll get to
you with details as soon as they're nailed down.

> Since we now have some patches lining up in bugzilla I was wondering
> how/who these should be handled.
> Victor how do you suggest that we approach this, what do you see
> hapenning.
> And of course the other issue, where are these patches eventually
> leading to. What I want is that this process goes smoothly and promptly
> with causing further confusion and fragmentation.

Jeremias Maerki

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