----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremias Maerki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Current CVS version won't build

[build problems...]
> I've just checked and I can build on the command line.

I see, I can build on the command line too. I just did'nt try it before.

> Everything looks
> fine. Could you turn on debug info in Ant? Ant should then output the
> stacktrace of the original problem. Maybe we can then find out what's
> wrong. Will probably have to do with the relative paths.

That's what I think too. Debug info from ant was not very helpful because it
does'nt report which is the current watched path AFAIR ("./hyph not found"
or something was reported) - but I will check this again.

> If you want to check out what has been improved/changed or want to help
> us test, then yes, of course.

ok. good.

> Nothing's fixed yet but it will happen very soon now. CVS should work ok,
> though.

Great, very soon is even sooner than soon. It's done when it's done, is'nt
it? ;-)
I am just kidding. Thanks for the quick and kind answer, Jeremias. Thanks
for a product that I need and can use for free.

Kind Regards,

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