On 17.02.2003 17:36:13 Victor Mote wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Todos, as I see them:
> > - Remove all incompatible hyphenation files from CVS which are not clear
> >   to be ok.
> > - Find Apache-compatible hyphenation files.
> I found a generic TeX distribution that came with my Red Hat (the relevant
> files are installed into /usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/hyphen). I /think/
> these are standard "generic" TeX files, which would be subject to Knuth's
> license, which IMO is Apache-compatible. It seems like the best approach is
> to start with these, & let contributors modify them as necessary. They
> contain "do not change" caveats from Knuth, but after reading his various
> papers on the subject, IMO, the purpose of this is to maintain TeX
> compatibility among diverse systems. People are free to take his work as a
> starting place, but you cannot use the name "TeX".

I've tried to locate the sources you mentioned on the net, but haven't
succeeded. Can you give us a URL?

> > - Contact the authors of non-GPL and non-LPPL hyphenation files for
> >   permission to use and redistribute their hyphenation files.
> This would be unnecessary if we start with the right base & build from
> there.
> > - Maybe write a parser for Tex hyphenation files so they can be directly
> >   read by FOP (without conversion to XML, so people can download the
> >   hyphenation files themselves and make them responsible to follow the
> >   individual licences)
> I have no objection to this, but the conversion does not look very
> complicated, and if we distribute our own, then there is no need for it.
> Also, if we build our own, we should credit Knuth & TeX, but also explicitly
> reference the Apache license in the files, so that contributors know they
> are contributing under that license.

Well, that depends on the licence. We cannot just simply credit Knuth &
TeX and apply the Apache licence. Jörg's analysis of the situation is
pretty accurate IMO. This is a non-trivial matter.

Jeremias Maerki

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