On Tue, Mar 25, 2003 at 01:56:04AM +1000, Peter B. West wrote:
> Victor Mote wrote:
> >
> >
> >My understanding is as follows:
> >1. The "refresh" button on the http://forrestbot.cocoondev.org site will
> >take the contents at cvs.apache.org/cvs/xml-fop as input, and generate the
> >web site. That is what is displayed at
> >http://forrestbot.cocoondev.org/site/xml-fop.
> >2. The "publish" button at http://forrestbot.cocoondev.org seems to 
> >actually
> >update the cvs.apache.org/cvs/xml-site/targets/fop directory, checking the
> >output from "refresh" into that repository. This is somewhat contrary to 
> >the
> >text that appears on http://forrestbot.cocoondev.org.
> This step seems to have some problems.  I have just gone through the 
> cycle of building locally, checking the changes into HEAD, getting 
> forrestbot to refresh, checking the just-constucted site, and then 
> getting forrestbot to publish.  I had problems on the live site that I 
> did not see locally or on the forrestbot driver pages at 
> forrestbot.cocoondev.org.  Specifically, an old copy of my javascript 
> file was in service.

The script which pulls files from CVS and publishes them is only run
every X hours, so the live site probably just hasn't caught up.  I've
verified that the codedisplay.js files displayed by
forrestbot.cocoondev.org and those in xml-site/targets/fop CVS are

> I have noticed that redundant files do not seem to be cleaned up in the 
> process either - they just hang around.

Yes, detecting when a file *isn't* generated is harder than detecting
when one is, and the price of making a mistake is much greater, so I
didn't attempt it.


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