We just got an e-mail asking for help converting TeX files on fop-user. Is there any objection to sending out the forrestbot link from Victor's e-mail below:


I'm asking before I do this so I don't do something silly. I would also like to know how you's guys feel about this type of thing in the future (if something's on CVS and is linkable hasn't gone LIVE yet, can it be sent to fop-user with the usual disclaimer that it's 'not ready for prime time' and 'is subject to change').

Do we have a "policy" or some such?

On Tuesday, July 15, 2003, at 01:40 AM, Victor Mote wrote:

Victor Mote wrote:

Clay Leeds wrote (on May 27, 2003):

patterns--and also info on how to "convert", say TeX patterns to
FOP-usable ones). (NOTE: I understand there are problems with including

I have gone ahead and added ViewCVS links into the contents of the XML files
in CVS, so that users can see working examples of how to set these up.

Also, I have added a section down at the bottom of the hyphenation page
briefly explaining the contents of the patterns files. I would be very
grateful to have any on this list review its contents, but especially Joerg,
who has, IIRC, recently gained some expertise in this area. I am especially
concerned about whether I have the "before" and "after" attributes of
"hyphen-min" going the right direction. I'll check it myself later if I get
no responses. I have mild hopes that helping people create/modify these
files might give us some solutions to our licensing problems.

This version is unpublished, but can be viewed here:


Victor Mote

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