Great idea!  Like CVS, Ant is highly beneficial to
learn, and it opens doors to many other open source
projects as well.  So I think this a tool we should be
encouraging others to at least load on their machine.

+1 for HEAD, and I think it would be fine to remove it
from maintenance as well.


--- "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > Following a problem on fop-user I'd like to
> propose the removal of
> > ant.jar and the pair.
> +1 for HEAD.
> In the long term, this means we have to make sure we
> don't
> have to give advice like "Get the source dist,
> change XY in
> the code/add foo.jar to lib, and call
> build.{bat|sh}"
> J.Pietschmann

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