Andrej Czapszys wrote:

Please excuse my ignorance, but what is the current status of the redesign, and how might I help out? The website explanation wasn't very clear.

The website is great for the maintenance versions of FOP 0.20.x, but is a little unclear with regards to the redesign (sorry Clay - I dont have any specifics to hand)

In particular, extreme memory usage and inability to auto-size tables have been bugging me. The current stable version of FOP is great, but I'd like to help improve these areas and others. Is there a current TODO and/or complete status list?

Follow the below link where you will find a list of items that need doing before the redesigned code can be released. Issues such as memory and auto table layout would be nice to have, but the redesign has more serious problems that need dealing with first.

Of course, this is largely just my opinion and you are welcome to work on any
area you choose. And any contribution you make will be greatly received.

Or can someone help me out in this regard? Also, what are the current high priority issues from your perspective?
I'm kind of a "Roadmap" personality in that I'd like to know where contributors would like the project to be in X months.

Well, I'd like to see the HIGHs on that list fixed in the redesigned layout so we can do a release of the redesigned code, and get out of the rut that FOP is stuck in!



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