Take the following fo snippet:

<fo:block font-size="24pt">
  <fo:inline font-size="12pt" vertical-align="top">
    small top
    <fo:inline font-size="18pt" vertical-align="bottom">
      medium bottom

Would one expect the text "medium bottom" to be aligned 
a) with the bottom of the text "small top" 
b) with the bottom of the text "BIG"?

I am asking this because my initial reaction was a), then my 
interpretation of the spec says the answer is b), and then testing it 
against RenderX gave a). Why b) - because according to section 7.13 
(and this is well into the section) 'just changing the "font-size" 
property does not change the baseline-table in effect in the inner 
inline formatting object'. This means all 3 sections of text are 
aligned according to the baselines established by the fo:block.

What do others think a) or b)?


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