On 19.04.2006 22:57:13 Patrick Paul wrote:
> Jeremias,
> I think this is most reasonable. In any case I whish to contribute as 
> mush as possible.
> I'm thinking about setting up a page on the FOP-wiki where I would put 
> up the goals for my proposal. That way I could give the link when 
> submitting my application.

Yes, please do that.
> Also, I will be in Europe in June, so I'm seriously considering coming 
> to Dublin for the ApacheCon Europe.

Great. I'm looking forward to seeing as many FOP addicts as possible

> Patrick
> P.S. When I see all the people showing interest in the SoC, I'm starting 
> to think I shouldn't get my hopes to high.

Don't give up too early, Patrick!


Jeremias Maerki

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