I ran the unit tests and I am getting a failure in StandardTestSuite -

The reason for the failure is a change in ColorUtil (see 4/ lower).

Would changing the test to no longer check for unequality between two
returned Color objects be an option?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Coppens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 9:32 PM
> To: fop-dev@xmlgraphics.apache.org
> Subject: Re: Including an sRGB color profile?
> I finished(?) working on the somewhat modified items (1), (2) and (4) of
> Jerememias' list.
> I plan to clean up to code a bit and then try to submit a patch (there
> should be a first time for everything I guess :))
> Here is an overview of what has been done - probably belongs in the patch
> as
> well, but if someone, despite the length of this post, decides to go
> through
> it anyway, an upfront red flag can be waved if needed, keeping me from
> going
> through the patch process.....
> From the users point of view.
> The rgb-icc function is accepted as input for color properties of fo
> elements and the generated PDF will include and refer to those color
> profiles. Other renderers will use profile based converted sRGB values.
> The
> ICC profiles are loaded using the src attribute from the color-profile
> element. The uri resolution relies on how the Java VM resolves color
> profiles.
> A cmyk function accepting 4 arguments (values ranging from 0%-100% or
> 0.0-1.0) is also available. The PDF renderer will generate DeviceCMYK
> colors
> based on the provided values, the other renderers will use a "standard"
> cmyk-rgb conversion and generated rgb colors.
> Implementation wise the following changes were done
> org.apache.fop.fo.expr.PropertyParser
> 1/
> FunctionTable has two new functions, cmyk and rgb-icc linked to two new
> classes CMYKcolorFunction and ICCcolorFunction
> 2/
> parsePrimaryExpr recognizes functions that return a negative number from
> the
> nbArgs as variable argument functions. Those are parsed with a new method,
> parseVarArgs
> org.apache.fop.fo.expr.CMYKColorFunction
> New function class for the cmyk function
> org.apache.fop.fo.expr.ICCColorFunction
> New function class for the rgb-icc function. It is a somewhat peculiar
> function class for two reasons.
> First, it returns an negative number for nbArgs (flagging a variable
> number
> of arguments function).
> Second its eval method returns a string that contains a fop-rgb-icc
> function
> call. The arguments for this new function are the same as the one of rgb-
> icc
> with the exception of the fifth, which is an extra argument that contains
> the src attribute for the color profile (from
> /root/declarations/color-profile/@src)
> An alternative suggested by Jeremias was to introduce a color context
> tracking the mapping between ICC profile name and src. Certainly a more
> elegant approach but it would require more classes to be touched something
> I
> was reluctant to do (this being my first attempt to a fop contribution)
> org.apache.fop.fo.pagination.Declarations
> Added a new method
>       public ColorProfile getColorProfile(String cpName)
> org.apache.fop.fo.pagination.ColorProfile
> Added a new method
>       public String getSrc()
> org.apache.fop.util.ColorUtil
> 1/
> Added a static member referring to a/the Log object
> 2/
> Added a static (synchronized) Map, colorSpaceMap, mapping color profile
> src's to ICC_ColorSpace instances.
> 3/
> parseColorString
> Now also recognizes fop-rgb-icc and cmyk functions invoking
> parseAsFopRgbIcc
> or parseAsCMYK.
> 4/
> Removed cloning of the Color object before returning from parseColorString
> (has a TODO in the current code)
> 5/
> Added
>       private static Color parseAsFopRgbIcc(String value)
>               throws PropertyException
> If the color profile src (5th argument) is not available in the
> colorSpaceMap cache, an attempt is made to create an ICC_Profile and
> associated ICC_ColorSpace based on the src.  If successful, the ColorSpace
> is added to the cache, if not the fallback rgb values are used to create
> an
> rgb based color. If an ICC_ColorSpace is available an RgbIccColor (new
> class) object is created.
> 6/
> Added
>       private static Color parseAsCMYK(String value)
>         throws PropertyException
> Parses cmyk arguments and creates a Color from a CMYKColorSpace color
> space.
> 7/
> colorTOsRGBString
> Changed to recognize and handle cmyk and rgb-icc colors. Perhaps the name
> of
> the function should be changed?
> org.apache.fop.util.CMYKColorSpace
> Implemented
>       public float[] toRGB(float[] colorvalue)
> org.apache.fop.util.RgbIccColor
> New Color class keeping track of the rgb-icc arguments and color profile
> src
> information.
> org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFColor
> 1/
> Added a private RgbIccColor member. This is probably the least elegant
> change in this patch.
> There is something I do not understand with the way PDFColorSpace,
> PDFDeviceColorSpace and PDFPathPaint are used. PDFPathPaint has a
> PDFDeviceColorSpace member while for me and at least at first sight it
> would
> make more sense to use a PDFColorSpace member in stead. Changing that
> would
> however result in quite a few changes lots of which would occur in code I
> have no clue when it would be called.
> The alternative approach I took is to add an RgbIccColor member which is
> only filled in when the PDFColor is created from an RgbIccColor source in
> PDFColor(java.awt.Color col).
> Eventually, perhaps when svg rgb-icc and cmyk support is added, this will
> have to be dealt with.
> Bottom line is I would prefer to see these first set of changes rolled in
> before starting to add changes to code not well understood.
> 2/
>       public PDFColor(java.awt.Color col)
> Recognize Color instances based on CMYK or RgbIccColor and store relevant
> information
> 3/
>       public String getColorSpaceOut(boolean fillNotStroke)
> Recognize RgbIccColor based PDFColor instances and act accordingly
> org.apache.fop.render.pdf.PDFRenderer
>       protected void setColor(Color col, boolean fill, StringBuffer pdf)
> When color is an RgbIccColor instance the ICC profile is added to the pdf
> when needed.
> Peter
> Peter Coppens wrote:
> >
> > Jeremias
> >
> > That is certainly a good start in terms of information to digest.
> >
> > I'll give it some time to sink in, and I'll try to browse through the
> code
> > a bit the coming week to see how familiar I can get with it in that
> time.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Peter
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> >>
> >> Ok, so here's a rough overview what needs to be done. No guarantee for
> >> completeness or accuracy.
> >>
> >> 1. Implementation of the rgb-icc() function.
> >>
> >> See also:
> >> http://www.antennahouse.com/xslfo/axf4-extension.htm#rgb-icc
> >> http://www.renderx.com/reference.html#Color_Specifiers
> >>
> >> Whether the #CMYK pseudo-profile is really needed or if ICC colors are
> >> sufficient, I cannot say at this time. In the end, the function needs
> to
> >> generate a java.awt.Color (or descendant if necessary). I'm not sure if
> >> the rgb-icc() function can sufficiently be mapped into FOP's function
> >> infrastructure because it uses a non-constant number of parameters.
> >>
> >> 2. Internal representation of colors
> >>
> >> Thanks to Max Berger FOP already uses java.awt.Color throughout the
> >> layout engine so we don't have to worry much anymore how the color
> >> information is transported to the renderers. However, I can't tell if
> >> Java's color infrastructure is up to the task of transporting the color
> >> information as we need it for CMYK support.
> >>
> >> 3. org.apache.fop.image package
> >>
> >> This package is in need of a redesign for various reasons, one of them
> >> being that it doesn't use RenderedImage/BufferedImage internally to
> >> represent decoded images. Instead it uses byte arrays with decoded RGB
> >> data. In order to properly support CMYK not only for JPEGs, the
> >> refactoring will need to be done if we want a clean solution.
> >>
> >> 4. Improving the renderers to implement CMYK
> >>
> >> I assume the PDF renderer is the most important here. It needs to be
> >> able to deal with the additional color types. But the other renderers
> at
> >> least shouldn't fail when they encounter non-RGB data. The PDF library
> >> is another place to look out for color stuff (like the PDFColor class).
> >> PDF profiles like PDF/A-1b and PDF/X-3:2003 will also need to be
> >> verified to work again after CMYK support is there. Having CMYK support
> >> enables the implementation of other PDF/X standards.
> >>
> >> 5. SVG support
> >>
> >> As XSL-FO, SVG is primarily operating in the sRGB space, but has
> >> extensions for ICC color (icc-color() function in SVG). I'm not sure
> >> about the status of ICC color support in Batik, so this has to be
> >> investigated. At any rate, there will need to be some changes to handle
> >> CMYK requirements for SVG graphics. Otherwise, you will only get
> >> RGB/sRGB colors in the PDF.
> >>
> >> That's quite a bit to do. I guess it would make sense to start a Wiki
> >> page to write down all the info around the topic, gather knowledge, to
> >> track progress and to coordinate.
> >>
> >> As for estimates, that's actually quite difficult at this time, without
> >> further investigation. Point 1 shouldn't be all that hard, maybe a day
> >> or so. Point 2 is probably ignorable except if AWT cannot hold the
> color
> >> information like we need it. Point 3 is larger, probably 4 to 5 days.
> It
> >> will take some more investigation and design. I've got a idea how this
> >> should look like but so far I haven't written it down. I've only done
> >> some requirements gathering on
> >> http://wiki.apache.org/xmlgraphics-fop/ImageSupport.
> >> Point 4 is probably not that difficult but a lot of tedious work which
> >> involves a lot of testing and reading specifications. I assume it's
> >> another 3 to 4 days. Point 5 is difficult to estimate at this time.
> >>
> >> Add at least a couple of days if you're not familiar with color
> handling
> >> and the PDF specification.
> >>
> >> The good news is that all this doesn't require knowledge about the
> >> layout engine which simplifies getting into this a lot!!! But of
> course,
> >> there's still a lot to learn about colors, PDF and PDF profiles.
> >>
> >> Point 3 is on my middle-term radar, as is the rest but with lower
> >> priority. So it's most likely I can help with the image package, but
> not
> >> immediately. Ideas and guidance, sure, but not code at this time.
> >>
> >> On 20.09.2006 22:48:20 Peter Coppens wrote:
> >>>
> >>> FOP fans,
> >>>
> >>> I could also use cmyk support in fop. My options are to buy some xsl
> fo
> >>> implementation that supports it or trye to contribute to fop (assuming
> >>> the
> >>> community lets me)
> >>>
> >>> Could someone give me a very rough estimate on how much work it would
> >>> require, including getting acquainted with the fop architecture.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>>
> >>> Peter
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> > On 31.03.2006 21:48:43 Max Berger wrote:
> >>> >> I know I have no vote in this, but I do disagree.
> >>> >
> >>> > Every opinion is always welcome.
> >>> >
> >>> >> 1) I still believe that PDF is a print medium and should therefore
> >>> >> default to CMYK colorspace. If supported correctly by software, the
> >>> >> colors should show up right on the screen.
> >>> >
> >>> > One use case of PDF is as a print medium, but it's not the only one.
> >>> If
> >>> > we're talking about producing documents for offset printing, then
> yes,
> >>> I
> >>> > agree with you. Fact is that most PDF-producing software packages I
> >>> know
> >>> > produce RGB (either uncalibrated DeviceRGB or sRGB). This applies to
> >>> > OpenOffice, Acrobat Distiller with its default settings,
> GhostScript.
> >>> > The list probably goes on.
> >>> >
> >>> > Supporting CMYK in FOP means some additional work which I don't have
> >>> > time for (and don't really have a need myself). The client that has
> >>> > asked me to implement PDF/A-1 is happy with sRGB since it's only
> about
> >>> > patent documents. If someone (you?) implements an option to generate
> a
> >>> > full CMYK PDF, then I'm all for adding that since it has been
> >>> requested
> >>> > a number of times. But doing that per default would be a change in
> >>> > long-standing standard FOP behaviour which I don't support.
> >>> >
> >>> >> 2) If you want to embedd the sRGB profile, I would recommend using
> >>> the
> >>> >> profiles found at the International Color Consortium:
> >>> >> http://www.color.org
> >>> >>
> >>> >> especially
> >>> >>
> >>> >> http://www.color.org/srgbprofiles.html
> >>> >>
> >>> >> unfortunately I was unable to find the exact licensing terms.
> >>> >
> >>> > That's exactly why I didn't use them. Licensing terms are not clear.
> >>> On
> >>> > the other side, Adobe & Co. are distributing the sRGB profile from
> >>> > srgb.com, not from color.org. It's also unclear to me which of the
> two
> >>> > variants (withBPC/noBPC) would have to be used.
> >>> >
> >>> >> just my 2 cts.
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Max
> >>> >>
> >>> >>
> >>> >> Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> >>> >> > I'm near the end of my work for basic PDF/A-1b support. PDF/A-1b
> >>> >> > mandates the use of an OutputIntent if uncalibrated color spaces
> >>> (like
> >>> >> > DeviceRGB) are used. That means that in each PDF which has PDF/A-
> 1b
> >>> >> > enabled an ICC color profile will be embedded and used in the
> >>> >> > OutputIntent object. Since we don't support ICC-based colors,
> yet,
> >>> I've
> >>> >> > hard-coded sRGB into PDF/A-1b support (XSL-FO supports sRGB and
> >>> >> > ICC colors, XSL 1.0, 5.9.9). But that means I need to embed the
> >>> sRGB
> >>> >> > IEC61966-2.1 color profile. The JRE provides such a color profile
> >>> but
> >>> >> > does this is a weird way: the profile alone is about 140KB.
> That's
> >>> why
> >>> >> > I'd like to use the standard sRGB profile from HP. Info on that
> >>> file:
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Obtained from: http://www.srgb.com/usingsrgb.html
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > The file "sRGB Color Space Profile.icm" is:
> >>> >> > Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > To anyone who acknowledges that the file "sRGB Color Space
> >>> Profile.icm"
> >>> >> > permission to use, copy and distribute this file for any purpose
> is
> >>> >> hereby
> >>> >> > granted without fee, provided that the file is not changed
> >>> including
> >>> >> the HP
> >>> >> > copyright notice tag, and that the name of Hewlett-Packard
> Company
> >>> not
> >>> >> be
> >>> >> > used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of
> the
> >>> >> software
> >>> >> > without specific, written prior permission.  Hewlett-Packard
> >>> Company
> >>> >> makes
> >>> >> > no representations about the suitability of this software for any
> >>> >> purpose.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > I need to get the license approved by the VP legal affairs but I
> >>> don't
> >>> >> > expect any problems.
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Anyone against me including this color profile (3144 bytes,
> >>> >> uncompressed)
> >>> >> > in the org.apache.fop.pdf package?
> >>> >> >
> >>> >> > Jeremias Maerki
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> > Jeremias Maerki
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> View this message in context:
> >>> http://www.nabble.com/Including-an-sRGB-color-profile--
> tf1373500.html#a6416371
> >>> Sent from the FOP - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Jeremias Maerki
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> --
> View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Including-an-sRGB-
> color-profile--tf1373500.html#a6743661
> Sent from the FOP - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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