Hello Hugues,

>> It works fine but on acrobat reader 7.0x, if I click on an external
>> link: - if the link that points to an element which is between the
>> top of the page and the middle of the page, it's OK, the element is
>> shown at the top of the acrobat reader window
>> - if the link that points to an element which is between the bottom
>> of the page and the middle of the page, the element is not shown at
>> the top of the window.
>> It's the same thing with bookmarks or internals links.
>> On acrobat reader 8, all is OK.

This *may* have to do with the configuration of both readers. Unless
the view is "continuous", Adobe wil never scroll in such a way that
you see the "gap" between two pages. So if the target is roughly on
the bottom half of the page (depending on magnification, window size
etc.) it can't be shown at the top of the window unless Continuous is
active. Otherwise, the bottom of the page will be aligned with the
bottom of the window and the link target will be "somewhere" on the
visible part of the page.

Kind regards,
Paul Vinkenoog

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