On 14.04.2007 01:36:12 Paul Vinkenoog wrote:
> Hello Jeremias,
> > First observation: Adobe Acrobat doesn't list any destinations when
> > the PDF is created with FOP Trunk, but it does if you generate the
> > PDF with FOP 0.20.5. So I went into the PDF....
> If I build with the current (unmodified) fop-trunk, Adobe Acrobat 5.0
> lists the destinations alright. Which version did you use?

Forgot to add: That test was done with Acrobat 7.0.7.

> Testing your dest.pdf and nbackup.pdf online, I get the same results
> as before. With Firefox: good most of the time, but sometimes wrong
> (landing on top of file instead of the page where the target is).
> With MSIE: wrong most of the time.
> If I download the files to my computer and test them there, it often
> goes wrong (note that on my computer, if I click on a URI link in the
> PDF, MSIE is launched, even though Firefox is my default browser).
> I can't test your GoToR links locally, because GoToR generation is
> broken in fop-trunk (they work online though, because they are broken
> in such a way that they form a correct URL...)
> So, all in all, after your modifications I get the same results (good
> and bad) as before. Still I think they're an improvement, because
> there's less unnecessary indirection.
> (I also think that where it goes wrong, the browsers are at fault,
> especially MSIE, and not the destinations code).
> Regards,
> Paul Vinkenoog

Jeremias Maerki

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