What is it that you're trying to do? Perhaps we can provide suggestions

On 02/23/02 16:40, "David Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for your reply! I will find a way to unescape my paragraph tags;
> that should solve my problem.
> Best regards,
> -David
> On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Carlos wrote:
>> Nope, not with the current FOP implementations.
>> Carlos
>> On 02/22/02 22:07, "David Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Using FOP 0.20.2 I found that linefeeds were preserved by default in
>>> blocks.
>>> Using FOP 0.20.3rc2 I found that they are no longer preserved.
>>> Furthermore, I discovered that "linefeed-treatement" has no effect:
>>> [WARN]: property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.
>>> Is there any way to preserve linefeeds in the current version? I pull text
>>> from the database in such a way that all integral XML is escaped, and
>>> there is no way to disable this feature (MS at work)... So I actually have
>>> <P>...</P> tags, but they're escaped, and I can't seem to find a method in
>>> XSLT to unescape and use them...
>>> This leaves me stumped. So what's the newline situation?
>>> -David
>> --
>> Carlos E. Araya
>> ---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
>>  P | California Virtual Campus
>>  - | C/O De Anza College
>>  G | 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
>> ---+ Cupertino, CA 95014
>> email               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> web                 http://www.cvc1.org/ (work)
>>                     http://www.silverwolf-net.net (personal)
>> phone               408 257 0420 (work)
>> PGP Fingerprint:    E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756
>> 80/20 Rule: Simplicity vs. complexity. 80 percent of the
>> functionality/feature set of an "ideal" solution set, with only 20 percent
>> of the complexity of the ideal solution or 20 percent of the effort required
>> to build the ideal solution; or put another way, the last 20 percent of the
>> "ideal" feature set is what creates the most complexity

Carlos E. Araya
---+ WebCT Administrator/Trainer
 P | California Virtual Campus
 - | C/O De Anza College
 G | 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
---+ Cupertino, CA 95014

email               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
web                 http://www.cvc1.org/ (work)
                    http://www.silverwolf-net.net (personal)
phone               408 257 0420 (work)
PGP Fingerprint:    E629 5DFD 7EAE 4995 E9D7  3D2F 5A9F 0CE7 DFE7 1756

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