
HTML does not nearly have the kind of formatting necessary for proper
for paper that to me the use of such a style sheet (a tranfsormation to
sounds not very useful. Most HTML formatting does not match the formatting
used in fo (for example tables) so the result of the transformation (such as
table or headings) will not be recognised bij fop.

If you would like to include standard style properties or even templates
that you want
to share from one source you can include such a file in your XSL file that
you use
for a translation to fo.

A css kind-of style that can be used for both a tranformation to HTML and to
fo would
be nice though.



$ -----Original Message-----
$ From: Alastair Growcott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ Sent: dinsdag 26 maart 2002 13:38
$ Subject: RE: XML parsing
$ My XML file looks like:
$ <?xml version="1.0"?>
$ <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="file:///D:/XML/ccr.xsl"?>
$ ...
$ This means that when I double click it, IE6 automatically displays it
$ correctly because ccr.xls converts the XML contents to HTML/CSS. Very
$ nice and useful.
$ > -----Original Message-----
$ > From: Michiel Verhoef [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ > Sent: 26 March 2002 12:14
$ > Subject: RE: XML parsing
$ >
$ >
$ > Does this imply that all your XML files have a style sheet included?
$ >
$ > Because AFAIK this is not mandatory/common practice so to
$ > speak of _the_ stylesheet included in the XML file is
$ > probably not enough to explain what exactly you are referring to.
$ >
$ > Do you mean if an XML file has an internal style (probably
$ > XSL, or CSS?) this style sheet will be processed? That would
$ > be an interesting question..
$ >
$ > Michiel
$ >
$ > $ -----Original Message-----
$ > $ From: Alastair Growcott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
$ > $ Sent: dinsdag 26 maart 2002 13:12
$ > $ Subject: XML parsing
$ > $
$ > $
$ > $ Any chance that FOP will ever use the stylesheet specified
$ > in the XML $ file to peform the XSLT? $
$ > $
$ > $
$ >

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