The extension API has been stable for a while. A few months ago I've
added some additional gadgets I needed for Barcode4J. I don't expect any
major changes anymore. Backwards-incompatible changes are highly
unlikely, but no guarantees.

So far, there's no documentation for writing extensions. I usually point
people at Barcode4J as the prime example. :-) The examples directory in
the distribution (MathML and plan extensions) can also help.

The migration shouldn't be too difficult. A few things have changed but
most of your custom code can stay the same. I'm pretty confident that
you can do the migration in 2 or 3 hours max if your extension simply
generates SVG.

Now, I'm curious: What kind of extensions did you implement?

On 30.05.2006 11:57:13 Raphael Parree wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to move to 0.92beta, but have so far been reluctant to make the
> move due to the FOP extension we have written. Is it safe to start porting
> the extensions (IOW is the extension API stable?). Is there documentation
> available on writing extensions for the new release (or even better on how
> to migrate your extensions?)

Jeremias Maerki

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