On Wed, 5 May 2010 14:48:33 +0200, Gour <g...@gour-nitai.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 05 May 2010 13:09:34 +0200
>>>>>>> "renework" == <renew...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> renework> I'm not clear for what you are going to use this for.
> I'll try to explain...
> renework> If for writing documentation, say a user manual. Then You
> renework> don't want to use fossil markup.
> I'd like to use it for user manual.
You get into trouble if it is contained in two wiki pages.
Basically your are better of to write two markdown files and a Makefile.
Which you can do in Darcs anyway.

> renework> (I use markup in a general sense  not a specific product) 
> No problem. Product is 'markdown'. ;)
> renework> You might want to use fossil as a scm for storing your
> renework> documentation files.
> That is possible.
> renework> (Not if you're using native word format :-)
> Fortunately, I'm not. After having bad experience with Lotus Word Pro
> many years ago (while using OS/2) I've decided not to use binary
> format for my writing ever again.
> renework> If you would use say asciidoc
> renework> http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/ as fossil markup.
> renework> Then generating A wikiPAGE could take A long time. Asciidoc
> renework> is overkill for that purpose.
> I don't like Asciidoc and Docbook toolchain. Otoh, Markdown is quite
> readable markup, mature, with many implementations etc.
I looked up markdown and it is a 35Kb perl source file. But you are 
in luck there is a c implementation
Now find someone to incorporate it into fossil.
> renework> If you would enhance wiki pages for wiki purposes then a
> renework> markup containing more functions is called for.
> Yes, I'd also like enhanced capabilities for wiki pages and I see that
> it's even on Fossil's TODO list:
> "Ability to attach image files (GIFs and JPEGs) and refer to these in
> wiki pages. Enhance wiki to the point where it can host the existing
> fossil documentation."
> (http://www.fossil-scm.org/index.html/wiki?name=To+Do+List)
> renework> Richard wants to keep his past documentation efforts. 
> I fully understand that, but if he would decide to support Markdown,
> I'd be ready to convert all the Fossil docs from the present wiki to
> it.
> renework> Assuming that the creole functionality satisfies your needs.
> No interest for creole since I'm involved with Haskell and there is
> very nice Pandoc allowing me to use Markdown as single-source markup
> capable to convert to plethora of end formats (HTML, PDF...)
> renework> However nice it is to ramble along, The question is still
> renework> "what do you want to do with the markup"?
> To use (more) 'standard' wiki markup like Markdown which has support in
> different tools (e.g. Pandoc for processing it, different blog-engines
> support writing in it, there is Emacs-mode for it etc.) for all my
> documentation-related needs instead of learning new wiki for every app
> I need.

You do understand that other users have there own preferences for markup
implementations and they all claim that theirs is the best and most

> The present Fossil's markup lacks features in order to be used as
> single-source markup which is pity and forces one to use another
> markup for writing other docs.
Richard likes HTML markup :-) . But pandoc can convert HTML to markdown
(Aha do I see a way out of typing a lot of documents :-)
> (Before settling on markdown, I was thinking about reST and
> same reasoning applies there as well.)

The solution I presented for creole could just as easy be used for
e.g. ** bold <<markdown>> this is markdown <<fossil>> and back in fossil
That would spare you a lot of typing :-) also
But it might bring you into trouble with pandoc because pandoc might not

my advice would be to use DARCS, write your user manual and keep the files
 and use pandoc to your harts content.
There is much work involved with what you want and it won't happen
overnight if ever.

> Sincerely,
> Gour
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