On Sat, 15 Dec 2012 01:52:11 +0100, Jan Danielsson <jan.m.daniels...@gmail.com> 
> On 12/15/12 01:06, Eric wrote:
> [---]
>> 4) I am not criticizing people, merely what they say. I see evidence
>> that they don't get where I'm coming from because they have only an
>> incomplete idea of what this is all about.
>> 5) SCM stands for Software Configuration Management which is not the
>> same thing as version control. Look it up. You will possibly hate it,
>> but if you ever write software that can affect real lives or large
>> amounts of money you will need to know about it.
>    So "SCM" defines how rm and mv should behave?

Oh for crying out loud! Of course it doesn't. That's the original subject
of this thread, and behind all the nonsense it's beginning to look like
there might be a sensible resolution. But there was so much nonsense here
before I ever posted in this thread that I felt the need to pick up on
all the things being claimed with no reason or an incorrect reason, so
many that a general statement seemed better than a whole lot of little
nit-picks which wouldn't make my real point anyway.

Get it? There is more than one topic of conversation here and, I'm
sorry, but you do seem to be wilfully misunderstanding this.

> And in order to take
> part of these definitions, to gain a "complete idea of what this is all
> about", one needs to write software which "affects real lives" or "large
> amounts of money"?
>    Well, I develop programs which *very* much can affect real lives, and
> large amounts of money is involved. No one has invited me to any secret
> organization where the *true* definition of "SCM" is revealed.

You have a VCS, and rules about when and if you can check in things
that won't build. You have rules about when you should branch and how
branches should be labelled. You have a proper change-management system
with adequate record-keeping. You have a test suite and can prove it's
coverage and that it has been used. You have a bug-tracking system. You
have proper backups and a disaster recovery plan for your _development_
systems. You can say how some part of your system behaved a year ago,
and how it behaves now, and why it is different, and if there is an
unauthorized difference you can find out who was responsible.

If not I don't want my real life or my real money anywhere near your

SCM is not a religion or a secret as you seem to think I said, it is a
set of engineering and business disciplines to provide 
accountability, verifiability, traceability and control for the
development process.

Those who just want to use Fossil for their own development will not
want to know about any of that, and that's fine, but as far as I know
Fossil wants to be able to live in that sort of environment, so many of
the changes people want should not happen. So they do need to know that
there may be reasons beyond their current knowledge. The only
"stupidity" (and I did not use that word) is from those who do not
believe there is anything beyond their current knowledge, and who feel
insulted when told there is something they don't know.

>    Sorry, but I think you're being silly. You don't know any more about
> these things than anyone else here.

Beg to differ, though not necessarily with respect to _everybody_ else.
(Not providing CV or references though).

> Calling you an ass was a little
> harsh, but at the same time, you are stating that others are inferior to
> you, yet you present nothing of substance to back it up. I understand
> why people are get a little annoyed.

But do you now understand why I am so exasperated?
>    You seem to be indicating that there's some exact definitions of an
> "SCM" which will resolve the rm/mv issue once and for all. Rather than
> to talk about affecting real lives and how much money is involved and
> other irrelevant nonsense, post those exact SCM definitions which are
> relevant to the mv/rm issues and we can judge that information directly.

Once again, that issue was only the trigger for a lot of (in my view)
nonsense and my reaction to it. And I am still exasperated!

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