I read this :"Please steal ideas and code from Fossil"There are no serious 
reason for people to use Fossil.In the past I was a huge fan of it...
1/ I ask for a poll I was told that I was ... (no matter what).2/ I've tried to 
compile Fossil it did not... In the past, it did nicely: I've created my own 
deb files. Too complicated nowadays ?3/ I asked about a guy's opinion when it 
comes to Fossil in production use : He said no. Note that he plays with huge 
projects.4/ I agree with him that for huge project it would be hard, especially 
when I've read that a big part of Fossil code is SQL with SQLite which is not 
for big project.Big projects uses PostGreSQL, MariaDB, Percona, Oracle, IBM SQL 
(DB2 and so on) ...5/ And when a project uses the word "steal" I have a big 
doubt...Even if it is a metaphoric "steal" it is inappropriate because it seems 
rude and disrespectful.You could say : "Please we are proud to help you to have 
a better UI/something if you wish.We could provide information about how good 
it is and if necessary we could work together"I could say that my writing is 
bad however in the fossil user base, I've seen many people who write very 
well...Ask them at least, so you could have a better communication.
6/ Ask yourself why people stay with Git/Mercurial ... me included even if I am 
not a fan of them.

My wishes :
a) A poll as I asked the other dayb) A fossil release 1.37-rocksolid or 
1.37-LTS without compilation problemsc) A strategy for fossil roadmap.d) A 
minimal understanding of Fossil users needs (Marketing and stuffs like that).e) 
A fossil that do run nicely as it is with git that I do use.
My wishes are a piece of cake for serious projects...
Best Regards

      De : Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com>
 À : Fossil SCM user's discussion <fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org> 
 Envoyé le : Lundi 10 octobre 2016 19h26
 Objet : Re: [fossil-users] Fossil on HN
On Oct 10, 2016, at 12:36 PM, Konstantin Khomoutov 
<flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Oct 2016 14:49:55 -0300
> Richie Adler <richiead...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
>> Fossil is a perfect example of an excuse that has to die. *Nobody*
>> has the excuse that version control is costly or complicated anymore.
>> You don't even need to create an account in Github.
> So, do you really think one has to create a Github account to use Git?

Yes, I do, because git is nearly unusable without github.com or similar, 
whereas /usr/bin/fossil is perfectly usable as-is. :)

I’m only joking^Wserious. :)

> github.com is to Git what
> chiselapp.com is to Fossil -- a hosting solution (one of many, in case
> of Git).

github.com is far more than a hosting service.  It provides a whole pile of 
things that don’t exist in /usr/bin/git or /usr/libexec/git-core/*:


And yes, I already know that not all of those things are in Fossil or 
ChiselApp, but many of them are, and many of the things you only get in Github 
Enterprise *are* in stock Fossil.

>> You can keep it all in house and the configuration couldn't be
>> easier...
> You can "keep it all in house" using any contemporary VCS.

But you can’t keep Github in house without buying Github Enterprise, at 
$21/user/month, minimum 10 users, so $2,520 per year entry cost.

If you want any of the features common to Github/GHE and Fossil, and you want 
to host it privately, you’re looking at GHE or one of its complicated 
competitors. For example, here’s GitLab’s setup guide for CentOS:


Compare Fossil: unpack, make && sudo make install.

No matter how you slice it, Git is more complex than Fossil, compared 
feature-for-feature.  Git only has advantages where it has a feature that you 
need that is missing in Fossil.  Many of us don’t need the extras Git provides, 
like subrepositories, rebase, etc.
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