Lin,I just tested your issue opening a 12 page text only structured FM7.2 file 
and saving it as FM12.Did nothing more than open the FM7.2 in FM12 and then 
save it as a FM12 document.Printed FM12 version using Acro XI Adobe PDF 
driver.Distilled postscript to PDF.FM7.2 file size=358KB Acro 8 PDF=207KBFM12 
file size=8630KB Acro XI PDF=278KBThis was one chapter of a 30+ chapter 
book.The Acro8 PDF of the book is 3025KB.I can open and update all the 
chapters, but with only 70KB increase in one chapter, I would expect a slight 
increase in the book, but nothing like you are experiencing.

  On Tuesday, February 17, 2015 11:18 AM, Lin Sims <> wrote:

 The PDF has to be posted as a shared review on a cloud web storage site. 
There's a size limit to what you can upload. My company is using corporate 
GMAIL and I have a 30Gb limit on storage, and for now I have to attach a shared 
review enabled PDF to an email to allow reviewers to join the review*. 
Admittedly, this one file isn't going to break either of those limits, but it's 
not something I can keep doing for a long period of time. Plus the sudden 
increase in size worries me. If there's a problem with the files, I need to 
find it before things get hosed (and yes, I did run all the files through a MIF 

*I will be testing setting up a shared review by storing the shared review PDF 
on the cloud drive and sending a link instead, but until I do, I know this 

On Tue, Feb 17, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Fred Ridder <> wrote:

Not to minimize your question, but...

With the cost of computer storage running about $0.10 per gigabyte for hard 
disk or $0.50 per gigabyte for SSD, I'm not sure it's worthwhile worrying about 
10 MB more or less. That's less than 1/2 cent's worth of storage space. Unless 
you know your documents are going to be posted on a website where a significant 
number of users do not have anything resembling broadband access, spending more 
than a few seconds worrying about 10 MB in file size does not yield a good 
return on investment.

-Fred Ridder

Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 11:26:35 -0500
Subject: FM12: PDF file size exploding

Has anyone had an issue with the size of a generated PDF increasing 
dramatically after moving a book from FM10 to FM12 (or any earlier version of 
FM to FM12)?

I've got a book that's gone from under 3M to over 12M, and that's AFTER running 
the Save as Reduced Size.

Is this a bug, have I not set something up in either FM12 or Acrobat 10 
correctly, or is there a solution?


Lin Sims


Lin Sims

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