Pat Christenson wrote: 

> A client's template currently has Cautions formatted as a 
> three-cell table: The Caution icon (in a reference) frame is 
> in the first cell, the word "Caution" (in the Autonumbering 
> field of the CautionHead) is in the second, and the writer 
> types text in the third.
> They want to change to a two-cell table with the icon in the 
> first cell and the word "Caution" as a run-in head in the 
> second cell along with the text.
> Here's the strange behavior: When you change the CautionHead 
> paragraph to a run-in head and straddle the two cells, the 
> run-in head disappears. I'm guessing this is because 
> technically that paragraph is empty, having no manually 
> entered text, just the word "Caution" from the autonumbering field.

You're right, when you straddle two cells, if one contains an empty pgf,
that pgf disappears. But you don't need three pgfs, just two. Why do you
want to make the "Caution" pgf a run-in head? 

Let's say your current third cell contains a CautionText pgf. Redefine
it to have "Caution" as the autonumber (apply a char tag to the
autonumber so the word "Caution" looks the way you want it). You don't
need an empty run-in CautionHead pgf to do something that the autonumber
property of the following pgf can do. 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

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