At 13:44 -0800 4/12/09, Jeremy H. Griffith wrote:

> >the only unusual thing about this book is that
>>the source files were brought in from Word via RTF
>That could very likely be the culprit. The RTF and Word import filters are 
>VERY BAD, and introduce many strange artifacts into the resulting Frame file.  
>These can and will bite you again and again. MIF washing will do no good.

Ah. Will anything else?

>That's why we strongly advise people to do all Word import by copying the Word 
>doc content and using Paste Special to put it in as "Plain Text". It's the 
>only way we know to avoid the sort of pain you are experiencing now.  It may 
>seem to take longer to do it that way, but it gives youa nice stable 
>document,and that's well worth it.


>Even at this point, you might still consider that, but after you've put a lot 
>of work in it'sharder to bring yourself to do it...

I cannot do that at this stage from the Word sources, as the book has been 
heavily edited (and typeset). Would cutting and pasting from the FrameMaker 
document into a clean new FrameMaker document and reformatting work?


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