Thanks Stuart, all very useful information. It's been some time that I
haven't used FrameMaker in-depth ...


On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 18:24, Stuart Rogers
<srogers at> wrote:
> Jakob Fix wrote:
>> Richard, I should have said this in my initial message, but yes I
>> checked this and found the Pagination > Start: Anywhere for the first
>> paragraph (which is actually the table itself).
> The table itself, the Table Title pgf, or the pgf containing the table
> anchor? ?All three have their own Start settings that you should check.
>> On the second page the only thing that's visible (if text symbols is
>> toggled on) is the ? sign. Another observation for which I don't have
>> an explanation is that the page numbers that are displayed in the
>> status bar for each book component file are followed by an asterisk,
>> like this: Pages: 180-181 * ?Does that mean they've been modified?
> The asterisk means the file has been modified, although you may not have
> modified the content yourself. ?Something as simple as changing the zoom
> counts as "modification". ?Also, if you generate a TOC or cross-reference
> from another file, FM inserts markers thereby also modifying the files.
>> Oh, and we're not using chapters at all (at least not knowingly). The
>> numbering for chapters is "as is" -- I could change this to "continue
>> numbering from previous file".
> Each file that is part of a book is commonly called a "chapter", whether you
> title it as such or not. ?The numbering properties don't affect pagination,
> so don't worry about changing that.
> --
> Stuart Rogers
> Technical Communicator
> Phoenix Geophysics Limited
> Toronto, ON, Canada
> +1 (416) 491-7340 x 325
> srogers phoenix-geophysics com
> "Developers explain How the Product Works.
> Technical writers explain How to Work the Product."

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